CRITIQUE FORM : The Five-Step Plan for Creating Personal Mission Statements by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.

                                                                        Name: Mira Aryuni

Article Name & Author: The Five-Step Plan for Creating Personal Mission Statements by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.


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Please give a brief summary of the article. 

            Mission statement becomes one of the important things in our life nowadays. Mission statement divided into a corporate and personal statement. A corporate statement is a statement which describes value in one of an organization. A personal statement is an individual statement that describes what we want to be. It uses for how we value ourselves. It also gives a clear picture about us to other especially employers. Make a personal statement is not easy but Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.  told us the ways. There are 5 steps to make personal mission statement based on the book The Five-Step Plan for Creating Personal Mission Statements”.  There are identify past successes, identify core values, identify contributions, identify goals and write a mission statement. These steps help us to understand ourselves first and then lead us to make a personal mission statement.

Explain to me the difference between a corporate mission statement and a personal mission statement.

            A personal mission statement is words that describe who we are and how we want to be so that we have purpose in life and try to focus on that. A corporate mission statement is a statement or a short description about an organization that the company wants customers to know include the product, target market, envision, value, brand etc.

Give me an example of how you could use your own personal mission statement to achieve goals.

My Personal Mission Statement Development
1. Past success:
a.     Good connector in each group
  1. Succeeded to motivate partner to be better and aware the rules
  2. Helped teenagers to aware about education
  3. Accomplished to make dream came true
Themes: Successes all relate to motivate and help people
2. Core values:
  • Hard-working             
  • Restorative
  • Futuristic
  • Good-listener
  • Decision-maker
  • Friendly

  • Laid-back
  • Positive
  • Empathy
  • Intelligent 
  • Perfectionist
  • Ambitious
  • Positivity
  • Individualization
  • Arranger
Most important values:
  • Problem-Solving
  • Empathy
  • Restorative
  • Good-listener
  •  Futuristic
Most important value:
  • Restorative

3. Identify Contributions:
  • the world in general: Understand with many kind situations especially in problem. Ability to find out the cause and provide the solution
  • my family: be a wise sister to take care the siblings and lead them to reach their dreams. Be a place for them to lean when they are down.
  • my employer or future employers: to bring new idea to make the organization be better place to work with. Motivate my teams to do their best and believe their skill to reach employer goals.
  • my friends: Always be mediator when they have a clash. Give a hand when they need. Be a person who asked for advice and motivation
  • my community: Share the experiences that I have and give back to community

4. Identify Goals:
Short-term: to continue career for a better position. Be loyal and put every effort into organization to get firm goals

Long-term: To develop my skills and abilities also achieving success in my own

5. Mission Statement:
To be a better and useful human for people around me through create smile and happiness on their face.


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