CRITIQUE FORM : Equipment and supplies belong to the company and are not to be used for personal use unless with permission.

Part 1:  CRITIQUE FORM                                                    Name: Mira Aryuni

Summarize the article by listing what you feel are the key points:
·       Electronic communication policy created to be safeguard for companies against liability due to misuse and abuse of electronic communication resources by its employees and also include dealing with employees who abuse the policy

·       The first step is forming a committee to provide content that represented human resources, information technologies, communication and management.

·       Rough-draft should be reviewed by attorney to make it more humanese

·       Key components to make electronic communication policy include introduction, definition, scope, guidelines and date of policy

·       Federal laws and states may include as appendix

·       Communication should address the specific needs and concerns of the company it serves.

What advise would you give a new employee to help him/her understand the important policy that you drafted?
-       Rules are important and should be obey for every worker. Policy is one of rules
-       Policy makes everything going based on standard
-       Against the policy is big mistake
-       Policy created to make everything in harmony


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